Perfection, plain and simple.
Perfection, plain and simple.
I was just thinking about this.
I've been on and off OKC for a few years, with mixed results. I'll get messages, talk a bit then it dwindles off, mostly due to my reluctance to meet after 1 day. I like to message/e-mail a while before going face-to-face.
^5, kids!
Okay. Take 2! (indignant retort meant to be amusing) "We do NOT dress that way!" Cut! Print!
No Mad Men??
We do NOT dress that way.
Holy crap, and bless your heart! I guess I'm old, too.
All I know about Death Note is Ryuk. Now who do we think could play him?
Thank you. Thank you so very much!
Pardon my French, but shiiiiiiit.
Hmm. Too old to be Christian Grey?
Noooooo, don't drown them!
When I was little, I didn't want to have nipples when I grew up because Barbie didn't have them. I have since changed my mind.
Gonna save this on my tablet for later tonight.
Come to Mama, sweety...
She's got Mama's attitude.
She played Akasha in "Queen of the Damned", which was horrible for so many reasons.