
I'm consistently saying out loud "what is your problem, Joy?" Religious brainwashing, I suppose.

According to interviews with Hugh Dancy, Cal's affection and admiration for Sarah is sincere. He gets angry and berates her at her home, which was a loss of control, but he really does idolize her. Hugh says Cal tries very hard to be good, but he views Sarah as inherently good. In a lot of discussions about his

Yeah, what the actual fuck is going on here? Is everyone taking crazy pills?

I told my friends "I would watch that man in anything… ANYTHING." And then the universe cackled and punished me for my arrogance.

His crazy eyes when he tells that woman he can "make people believe" though. That's the look of an egomaniac.

*"Some" by SoYou and JunggiGo starts playing.*

My idea of Hugh Dancy before Hannibal was "isn't he that guy who played Anthony Perkins in Hitchcock? Oh wait, that's James D'arcy." Now he's become one of my favorite television actors. The Path looks great.

No one understands creeping out Gillian Anderson like the Italians.

Big fan of several on the list, especially Hannibal and Fargo. I really need to watch The Americans, apparently.

Oh, definitely, trans people should have the same opportunities as anyone auditioning for roles. Of course, in this music video, Garfield plays someone who is brand new at this. She just now shaves her head and practices dressing up. It wouldn't make sense to cast someone who is already into her transformation.

But Jewish! Gasp and sputter.

My first thought when reading her comment. He's talking about inspiring gay kids in Jamaica and she rants about how they can't afford to see Spider-Man. Non-sequitur, or just kinda ethnocentric? You decide.

Acting as though trans-gendered people are some different race of human that can only be played by that particular group isn't helping anything at all. Letting actors of different sexuality and genders play a variety of people with humanity and insight is far more progressive and revolutionary, I'd say.

I went to a religious high school where we learned that evolution is a quack theory for people desperate to deny God, and we only heard the most vague, poorly-represented and interpreted explanations of how evolution worked, as well as all sorts of completely fabricated evidence against it. So, yeah… we learned about

I was homeschooled until middle school, not a weirdo. I swear to Yffre, the Forest God, and the eternal Green Pact.

I remember hearing about this movie back when it was rumored to star Daniel Day-lewis, Gael Garcia Bernal, and Benicio Del Toro. Wonder what happened to that roster.

Kirk Cameron?