
I’m no M$ shill, but it only seems fair to point out that they’ve been doing the “one button” method for a couple of years now, whereas Google only gave it to the masses a few months ago. LastPass has an app allowing “one button” now, as well — at least, on Android.

I use an Android phone and an iPad. I have both worlds.

Considering his greatness I’ve decided to cope by believing the following:


I just had a terrifying thought: Season 2 begins with the wormhole closing, and Barry running back to STAR Labs with a 15-year time-displaced Harrison Wells. He alludes obliquely to having had multiple adventures (not just saving Wells from Thawne), but isn’t forthcoming.

Every single book written by Guy Gavriel Kay is a masterpiece of writing. His words aren't prose but purest poetry.

Hits stone wall with a club.

Stone wall catches on fire.

Of course! How insensitive of me. 1839 we (that is, King William I) finally acknowledged Belgium as a nation state. 1830 the secession was declared by the guys in the picture. Also the years 1830-1839 we (that is, King William I) had a doctrine called "volhardingspolitiek" ("policy of sticking to the plan"). I wonder

I don't see an option for Dragon portable when I go to their website

Skyfall is great, so is In Her Majesty's Secret Service, From Russia With Love.

I want that as a t-shirt.

Looks like someone needs more cowbell.


I'm the one that tries to explain the game to everyone, but also the one that everyone doesn't pay attention to when I do so.

Are you using this to post spam comments with multiple accounts?

Sorry, but that's not correct. They explained that because of the Doctor crossing over in his own timeline those involved became out of sync. Once they separated they would return and essentially forget the whole thing ever happened. The Doctor would go on believing that he did in fact use "The Moment" to destroy the

Hurt regenerated into Eccleston at the end of the special. If you watch the regeneration scene carefully, it's very clearly (to me anyway) Eccleston's hairline and light-colored eyes.

Amazon does it with some, maybe all, of the Kindle books that have Audible.com versions. Many books on Audible.com have abridged and unabridged versions. I'm sure it would only work with the unabridged versions. I never even bother with the abridged versions unless there is no unabridged one available.

I hate when my friends do that. I leave my phone locked for that reason alone.