Leaman Crews

I was 17 at the time, and had little else to do but follow music closely. I do not recall Electronic or Chapterhouse ever getting one bit of radio play in America. Maybe these songs were played on KROQ, but in the Midwest, only me and my most Anglophile friends knew who these bands were. I do remember all the rest of

Jovanovic is a hack, indeed.  I read his Big Star and Pavement biographies because, unfortunately, there's not much else out there about those two great bands.  I read the book in question here when it was called Peeled.  I about crapped my pants when I saw the link for this review—surely Jovanovic didn't write

Like nearly everyone else commenting here, I find this review to be more than a little harsh.  All of the supposed negative points are what make this album great.  M83 has been mining the same territory for years, and usually that starts to get a little stale (e.g., Mogwai), but with each new record, it's like hearing