Aim-n-whack, Aim-n-whack. Aim-n-whack. Aim-n-whack
Aim-n-whack, Aim-n-whack. Aim-n-whack. Aim-n-whack
+1 ooohh weeeeeeeeeeeee
hush my dolphin
don’t fear, my dolphin
the motherfucker died tonight
In the coral
The mighty coral
The lionfish dies tonight
Man, that’s a good way to get yourself Siouxed.
Another IT guy here. Same. We have monitoring tools in place, but not once have we ever actually needed or wanted to bother using them. If people think you’re not being productive, you should be more worried about management and HR, not IT. We couldn’t give a shit less what sites you’re browsing as long as your shitty…
IT guy here, we don’t give a shit. Promise. We prefer to not have to archive your emails or monitor you. I would much rather spend my day arguing in the Kinja dont piss off your boss. Thanks!
And now he’s going to be disqualified for having the runs.