
My first response was, “1990 wasn’t over twenty fi- ...” Yep. 

three pedals or no pedals in a fun car.

Wow, that went WAY WAY smoother than it could have.

“Man, the Type-R looks like something that’s about to turn into an anthropomorphic robot to battle aliens at any moment.”

You don’t, unfortunately.  You just mutter under your breath once again, “goddammit, Spanfeller, you herb” and move on.

I had my headphones plugged into my computer but (fortunately) not in my ears.  As I was reading the first paragraph I began to notice what sounded like someone’s phone off the hook across the hall, then I realized it was playing a stupid video that wasn’t even visible on my screen.  Had to scroll back up to turn it

Better solution, but not cheaper solution.

It seems to me that you owe Brandon, like, a bazillion beers after this.

Ask your back seat passenger.

Ah - you’re right I have had that wrong all this time, thanks.

Obscuring the comment section with a click-me bar wasn’t enough? The article had to be obscured too? Your stories deserve better than this.

Now playing

I don’t think you understand what a final drive ratio is bud.

No limited slip diff in the Sport though :-(

I just use the same journalists testing different cars. For example, Jason Cammisa posted his verdict about the GLI and Si sedan on his IG and basically had the same observations as everyone else. GLI is good but not great, Si is so ridiculously capable but doesn’t make you love it.

The friendships we made along the way.

I’m just here to thank you for long form content like this. 

how do I stop videos prom playing automatically? I will get myself fired one day for being on Jalopnik all day.

The title is a little misleading. This did not sound like it even came remotely close to breaking you. In fact, I would bet that this only increases the odds of you buying another car unseen.

Have to admit, you want an entertaining Jalopnik post to read, you can always count on Tracy. Goes to show us car guys have soft spots in our heads for certain cars where nothing stops us from getting them to run—too cool.

It’s not actually a $700 Jeep. It’s $700 plus two airline tickets, plus hotel rooms, plus gas, plus parts, plus time, etc.

So what’s the *actual* cost?