Multiple radiators, eh? What happened?
Multiple radiators, eh? What happened?
It says Turd! HA!
Great take! You deserve all the stars for the energy you brought in this comment.
V8 and front wheel drive? Holy torque steer Batman!
How much did it cost you to add snow tires to your Fit? My aunt has a new one and it’s absurdly expensive due to the wacky wheel size.
So it’s bugly?
Girlfriend’s parents have one. Great car, except the cooling system needing replacement (seriously most other manufacturers have figured this out, not sure why BMW can’t/won’t) and the door locks stopped working.
Looked at KBB, price checks out.
I thought 2000 was the last year for the 3000 gt?
NP at $10k-$15k. CP at $35k.