
I remember being TERRIFIED when the witch dies & her hands curl up backwards. No matter how many times my mom taped fake nails to the pads of her fingers & made fists to show me it was fake, I still had massive nightmares. I may have a tiny bit of PTSD from it.

aspergeau de toilette.

aspergeau de toilette.

I know it isn’t your fault, but some of these responses remind how unsafe and supremely un-queer this site is. Wow. Here come the gender police intersectional feminists! Some people in this thread can kiss my ass and you shouldn’t listen to a word they have to say on this matter. Don’t let that kind of talk affect

yup. i long for the day when i no longer hear my mother’s voice in my head saying, “she should not be wearing that.” it’s bad enough that some significant portion of my memory holds the calorie content of basically every edible product in existence. fuck your internalized shame, ma!

if you think the only way a woman can be attractive is if she removes her body hair, you can move right the fuck along down the road and keep your ignorant opinions to yourself.

Dye it.

plus its more aesthetically pleasing to be hairless

Uh ok. I’m lying about what my experience is...?

lol no go away

Arm spanx.

As someone who is both fat and a rape survivor, this makes me feel great. Just awesome. Surely the thing that’s gross about him isn’t that he’s an unrepentant rapist, it’s that he’s bigger than you think he should be. Keep fighting the good fight.

You’ve heard them talk like that, you just didn’t register them as “sounding like that” because many of the negative associations we have with it are deeply gendered.

Nope. This is something that BOTH men and women do. But ONLY women are penalized and criticized for it. It’s not because it “sounds terrible.” It’s because sexism.

Oh, that’s Flava Flov, he was kicked out of the group even before Professor Griff.

1 time is already too many.

“I can’t imagine what it would be like to have created a movie that caused a man to target its audience.”

Just remember, please: they weren’t born men; they were born babies. Like everyone. Also, the majority of drag queens don’t identify as women or even as trans.