
She would still have been a she, she just might have had a penis.

Entitlement. Privilege. Being a doody head.

That's not true. My boyfriend knows what MRAs are! 'Cause I told him what MRAs are. And he was just like "oh, so.....they're sexists? But, like, self-aware sexists?"

No. These dudes are not mentally ill. Please stop equating mental illness with hatred and violence. These dudes are just privileged assholes that weren't properly socialized. They're just like spoiled puppies that were never house trained at the shelter, so they chew up the furniture when they're adopted because

President of the Forever Alone Club.

I'll just leave this here:

Maths is the common term in pretty much any English speaking region that isn't North America. Believe it or not, we make up a rather small portion of the world, so catering to us doesn't make much sense. Also:

Law-abiding gun owners. Responsible gun owners. Centaurs with golden colons. Mermaids with emerald sphyncters.

I'm not sad for them at all. I'm sad for the person who hit her and I'm sad for all the kids that will read her note and believe it's the only option.

he forgets that in daycare and kindergarten kids take naps on mats on the floor. Parents can just say 'it's naptime and be done with it. This is a lame excuse, especially when so many of the dead are children.

I am pretty sure the kids who saw Tamir Rice get shot in the park were frightened and traumatized by that. That's a hell of a lot more frightening that folks falling on the ground pretending to be dead. Won't someone think of the children! iugh!

Black children don't count sweetie. UGH! They clearly meant think of the white children!

Well clearly they mean:

God forbid we have to explain anything to our precious, precious children!

Tamir Rice, aged 12, would've probably loved to have his fun, too. Kids are getting shot by the police. They're not out there to scare kids, they're out there to save them.

Maybe you shouldn't have young kids and toddlers out in the middle of the night in the middle of the winter in a giant-ass fucking crowd.

If parents are uncomfortable explaining the protest, they can tell the kiddies it's a naptime Flash Mob.

It's no more wasteful than what most people do: wear it once and keep it in the attic forevermore. Donating it would have been a nice gesture, as it would be for any woman to donate her worn only once wedding dress. But sounds like she needed this release, so more power to her.

Edit: typo

Wait, so he busted her trying to cheat because he was trying to cheat, and then you still hooked up with her after that?

Hm, not that impressive. Two better revenge stories: