Leah Lemon

Ok but was anyone else shouting at the screen when the gang just left the recently suicidal Cheryl by herself to go to the party and then out for a milkshake without so much as checking in on her or seeing if she needs medical attention (let alone psychological help) after being in a freezing cold lake?

Was it Odd Mom Out?

This bothers me SO MUCH on shows like these. Also when no one has any regrowth ever in their obviously dyed hair. Tina looked liked she just walked out of an upscale hair salon after getting a full cut, colour and blow-dry.

It's illegal in Victoria to keep roosters in a metro/suburban residential area because of the noise nuisance. I think there was a like in the episode that if they didn't kill her, one of th neighbors would. Also they mentioned that getting her desexed isn't an option, which would be an issue with the other chickens.

Hmm yeah good point. I'm not too familiar with legal stuff, though I know people can plead insanity to stuff. I guess it's complicated by the fact that in this case, neither party was aware there was a rape. But, if I was raped and then the person who did it claimed that they hallucinated that I was totally into it

Really? I dunno. She'd still be a rape victim.

"Just" 2% of the population of the US is over six million people. I'd say that would make an impact. It's not enough for society to devolve into anarchy, but it's enough for everyone to have at least known someone who departed. And yeah it was totally random.

He didn't give Josh the courage to come out, he outed him. I was always kinda pissed at him for that, everyone should be able to come out on their own terms.

If you want to watch stoners turn into engineers, give them a bunch of weed and nothing to smoke it with.

I see what you did there.

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to police the use of the word by trans people who use it to self-identify! What I was trying to get across was just that many people who are not trans want to use one label or another based on whether the individual has had surgery or not, which isn't something you'd necessarily

Of course, and that is up to her to define herself how she likes :) My point was more for people looking to label someone based on what they've chosen to do with their bits. I'd simply been told that many transgender people prefer the term 'transgender' because it doesn't require people to know that information.

I thought the humor was spot on, in light of employers claiming the right to not provide birth control on their health care plans due to 'religious reasons'. And especially on point since the whole sketch is Amy asking a series of dudes to weigh in on what she should do with her body.

Moreover, the term 'transsexual' isn't actually used that much anymore, because, well, it's not really anyone's business what someone has decided to do or not do to their genitals.

Anyone else get the sense that that guy's penis is going to end up in a museum jar?