
Well I don’t know much about Westerosi law, but if the wedding was annulled, then wouldn’t they be deemed bastards because they were born retroactively out of wedlock? Then again, maybe “annulled” also just means “divorced”.

To be fair, Gilley’s been actually illiterate until like 5 minutes ago lmao

Tarly wasn’t xenophobic the Dothraki are an invading army known for raping and pillaging. It’s not just propaganda it’s true. These aren’t refugees they are an invasion force.

They’re going to go at it like rutting dogs in heat only for Bran to show up an episode later and go “I’m the mystical Three-Eyed Raven who has had his mind expanded after Phil 101 this Semester and you are his aunt and technically he has a better claim to the throne than you.”

the Iron Bank guy would not commit their support of Cersei’s war until their repayment made it to the Iron Bank, which as we know from the epic end scene, it did NOT.

1)You are reading this whole article wrong.

The problem with VERY private arrangements is that they are not known to work because most people don’t think of all the possibilities and know the monetary average cost for services. It is best to have a mediator because all the details of surrogacy need to be laid out by people who are aware of all the risks. And

I was going to say the same thing. Most surrogacy arrangements through agencies cost about $100k because of limits on both ends. Agencies that do all of the legal work for you might charge more because of legal fees. But this is about right, about normal, for surrogacy.

Since nothing here inspires me, just gonna say I ordered a lovely grey velvet chaise today, to match my years of grey status.

Not trying to defend those two... but there are limits to compensantion for surrogacy in the sate of California.


Please tell me this child was able to procure an abortion. The fact that her ma was also duped into bringing her child to someone who committed her into enforced psychiatric imprisonment makes it all the more worse. Can you imagine trying to get your kid appropriate care and instead being the person who willingly

All those anti-sharia protests last weekend and this is the Christian sharia that Pence and his ilk want to impose on us.

This is what Pence wants America to be like.

Sometimes I think I’m at maximum dislike for Drumpf, and then I’m exposed to more of his tweets and a fresh new, even higher wave of disgust descends.

Now playing

Hopefully this damning statement from the police will make a difference.

I’m sure there’s at least a couple of “friendly” corporations that would be happy to take over the responsibilites of air traffic, provided they are granted blanket immunity for mistakes, accidents and loss of airline revenue and aren’t subject to any pesky labor laws or required to provide employee benefits.

I mean, there are reasons that privatization isn’t necessarily a terrible idea? It’s an idea that’s been floated since the 90's, and other countries have done this without disastrous results.

The White House says that Trump will not invoke executive privilege to stop James Comey from publicly testifying on Thursday.

  • The White House says that Trump will not invoke executive privilege to stop James Comey from publicly testifying on Thursday. [Washington Post]