Leaf McClary

So, wait, you don't have to be smart to get on WoF? Mind blown!

I have noticed this about them. It started though, for me, with the Ladykillers. Easily their most banal film. Starting there would not work with the thesis of "one light, one heavy," since the Man Who Wasn't There seemed pretty stupid too. It was a bad time for them, I guess. For me too. And I don't have anything

Comments are the underbelly of the internet (irony noted). Stay strong and try not to read too many :)

Didn't read very far, but I just want to go on record predicting the reviewer has or will soon have a schizophrenic breakdown. Suspecting those around you of not being who they say they are is by no means universal. It's just schizophrenics who think that.

I love this idea! It worked well when when US exported it to SE Asia, the Russian Federation and Iraq (the only law of Hussein's left intact was the one restricting trade unions). In N.Amer. we've only had three Great Depressions in the fifteen years since we let the consumer seek agency through the marketplace. But

Ween, Stallion III : "Don't caress the weasel/And don't fall too soon/Don't seek the blood from the panther/Don't take a trip to you soon
I'm the one helding the time back from the sun/As I scope the lobe. Or Donny and Joe Emerson's Baby "You're so baby."