
So last night my daughter face timed me because I am traveling for work. I answered the call and was sobbing. "Mom, what's wrong?!" she said. "I was watching Downton Abbey and the dog has cancer," I cried. "The dog? THE DOG?!?!," she asked, incredulous. It was only then that I realized how sappy and silly the Isis

I like the comment that said it's her monster love child with Fausto. She cared when everyone else touched her, but he brushed her cheek and she was fine. They have some kind of history.

Is it bad that I think Linder is hot?

I assumed that whoever picked her up in the red car with Texas plates was actually a Juarez police officer (or someone hired by the Juarez police to bring them women). In all the books I've read (okay, 2) about the real murders of women in Juarez, the activists and US law enforcement strongly suspect it is the Juarez

Linder wants to marry Eva because he has those sexy dreams about her! Also, Charlotte not only stood up to Fausto, she rocked some seriously black eyeliner for the first time — which means she is now hardened. 

Adriana's sister is so toast. That is how she and Daniel will be pulled further into the plot.  They've been foreshadowing for weeks that she is going to become one of the missing girls of Juarez.

I got cut off…. Darn iPad. Anyway - if you haven't yet, pick up the book The Daughters of Juarez. It will provide a ton of background info and insight into where The Bridge is going.

I just discovered your reviews and read all 8 — awsome job!! I apologize that I didn't read all the comments (yet!), so sorry if this has been mentioned….