
I really like this current team, I wish that BBC didn’t just treat this stuff like its an easy swap.
They dumped the trio, okay I get it.
They Dumped Evans, okay I was for it.
Now to lose Le Blanc and I guess dump Rory its just like “Hey you guys can run the same line up for more than 2 seasons this isn’t doctor who!”

That’s what you New York rubes get for trying to challenge Cuomo, he got re-elected and now you are all fucked. Your ass is the subway and his dick is the train and it will be stuck in that subway tunnel for at least the next three years with no budget for lube.

This is true to a degree, but in a society, we also have a responsibility to maintain social norms among ourselves. You don’t need to be a cop to tell someone to stop following you closely, or to stop harassing you. You don’t have any authority to arrest someone for tailgating, but I think there’s room for citizens to


You can’t blame Lewis for trying to make sure there’s only one halo in F1.