Lea Cullen Boyer

Maybe we should only pay 76% of the tuition (adjust based on your race...)

Women aren’t as equal as men.

Does anyone disagree that someone who is a rapist should be punished? The problem is how do you create a procedure that determines that someone is a rapist that comports with our societal and legal view of due process.

That statement reveals a stunning disconnect: that person leaped right over the tuition-paying rape victim and straight to the man with the bright future.

I am so with you! I always say this: If a house is broken into, people don’t go around saying you should have bars on your window. Why did you leave your house alone? Your house was so inviting, the burglar couldn’t resist. And they don’t use the lack of security, etc. to let the burglar off the hook. So why do we do

i am so fucking sick of people defending rapists and whining about the severity of the proposed punishment. BEING RAPED is a life-changing event, AND one the victim did not choose. RAPING someone IS something the perpetrator chose to do, so THEY should face the consequences. UGGGHHHHH