Logan Abbott

We have too many examples of the police just not giving a crap about people with less money and darker skin to pretend that wasn't a factor any more.

That hairstyle reminds me of something...

When people talk to these folks that push the purity agenda about their targeting of primarily young women/girls, what do they say when asked about why isn't purity pushed as hard at young men/boys?

i only break my "no sexting because it's just plain stupid" rule for one person: this totally hot south african sous chef that randomly texts me out of the blue on occasion. haven't seen him in years, but still. just something about that man...plus, his grammar/written word skills are out of this world. he takes "i

I don't sext, but I am naked right now.

That last moment where you do a little chicken head wobble in the Vine really elevates this to a fine art form.

True story: last week I was eating lunch outside, sitting by myself on a bench. I had just taken a giant bite of falafel when I was approached by two strangers. They informed me they were with a casting agency and they were casting for Dove's next "Real Beauty" campaign activation (still don't know if I should be

Obviously the red moon is a sign of the coming of R'llor and his warrior Azor Ahai!

So tell me, seeing as the man in the first video (the one freaked out by body hair) seems to be hairless himself, does that make him a woman?

HBO, you are the worst. You do so much ridiculous and absurd sexposition but then when it comes to one of the hottest foursomes of all time you drop the ball?!

She has the body of superhero. And the moves too. If I ever get stuck in a burning car wreck, I know who I want rescuing me.

According to the project's website, the posters "highlight stories about abortive herbs, such as Artemisia, pennyroyal, aloe vera, and Queen Anne's lace,

I suppose if Kit Harington wants to get naked more, well, I'm not going to stop him.

You know something, Jon Snow.

If covering birth control in an insurance plan is a burden on your religious beliefs just wait until you're stuck with the burden of all those female employees on maternity leave.

Yet another problem that would be solved if only we could do away with corporate personhood.

That's what my gynecologist said to me.

I got into an argument over this on another forum, but as a former vet tech, what galls me is that the doctor allowed this. It required that the dog be kept under anesthesia for the tattoo, which occurred after the surgery. MAJOR surgery, that resulted in a large amount of blood loss, dangerously low body temperature,