Seriously. I saw $25 bucks and laughed the hearty laugh of a woman who has to spend $200 each time her bra-size changes just to have 4-5 options
Seriously. I saw $25 bucks and laughed the hearty laugh of a woman who has to spend $200 each time her bra-size changes just to have 4-5 options
Ask me how much my bras cost.
I like this a lot! I have almost no shame!
I think there's a little smoke n mirrors. either way,all are quite edible
If you love something, set it free!!
I feel bad for this boner. It's so trapped.
I like it too. We can be bad feminists together.
I like 'em. Does that make me a bad feminist?
Sames. These women aren't models but I feel like the only thing keeping them out of the realm is age. They are very striking.
You know what? My eyes immediately went to the clothing. Then it went to the title, and only then did I notice that the women weren't models. And that first leather cowl neck swoopy thing? That's like Night Watch Chic and I want it.
Look! A sighting in the wild of your basic free - range MRA. Note the identifying characteristics:
1. Straw feminist accusations about rape;
2. The fixation on rape;
3. The rock hard belief that accusing rape is done for shits and giggles.
4. The telltale signs of the guilty conscience.
5. Note how they believe that ALL…
I don't know if I should be scared or excited. Or both.
Either way:
This is really simple. If you are a member of the dominant social group it is creepy for you to organize AS a member of the dominant social group.
It's telling that they focus on false rape allegations and not, say, false assault or embezzlement charges. They only destroy your life when they're made by a woman standing up.
Co-signed, Lindy. If MRAs actually cared about issues facing men due to traditional gender roles, they'd be feminists! These dudes are just woman haters- bitter, nasty rageaholics - that deserve to be put in a time-out like the tantruming children they are.
It seems like there's been a small uptick in mainstream coverage of the "manosphere" lately—that loose web of…
As someone who only recently gained the right to marry the person I love, I am side-eyeing this *so*hard...
Cuteness overload. I'm looking forward to wearing House of Mayhem in 2028—if it's sold at Target and fits over my old lady humps.
Winter is coming.