Leave Angela out of this! What did she ever do to you?
Murder (She Wrote) 4 Lyf
Leave Angela out of this! What did she ever do to you?
Murder (She Wrote) 4 Lyf
The second-best part to this whole news is that conservative Lt Gov candidate Dan Patrick sent out the most butthurt tweet, defining Marriage as 1 man + 1 man. Even his typos are now pro-gay as a result of this move.
The plan was not to chip off the blue states first, but to fight the fights in the reddest states. Which shames the blue states into acting so they don't feel like they are coming last to the equality table.
If Texas legalizes gay marriage before my own homestate of PA does, I will shit myself.
Awesome. Now I just need a girlfriend and one single fucking reason to ever go to Texas.
I really needed these in my life.
I am totally not surprised that Barack makes a gorgeous queen. That man could totally rock a ball gown.
Does this mean that clothing will finally be designed for people with narrower waists and large derierres?
DISCLAIMER: You may not agree with what I have to say here. What you read may piss you off. I'm fine with that. In fact, I'm so fine with it that I've decided that I won't even challenge what you reply back with. Why? I'm done arguing about this with people. I've heard your views and the reasoning you use to support…
Always with the fucking fedoras. Jesus Christ, you fucking infuriating creeps.
Why is she obligated to be nice? She has no idea who this guy is that is throwing himself at her feet. It's the equivalent of getting an email from a Nigerian Prince who wants you to help get money from your long lost uncle.
Calling a mother a 'host' gives pregnancy a certain air of science fiction, doesn't it?
[is dead]
Actually, I think that's misspelled GAME OF THRONES porn...
Maggots on womans clit. MAGGOTS on a woman's clit. MAGGOTS ON A WOMAN'S CLIT.
I dated a woman that had this problem so I bought her the magic wand. Problem solved.