It’s a mantra. “Simplify. Then add lightness.” Coined by Colin Chapman.
It’s a mantra. “Simplify. Then add lightness.” Coined by Colin Chapman.
When’s the last time someone in the US was crippled from Polio?
ABS? Sure. Traction control? I can live with it. The Active Stability Control in my old 2001 Cadillac Eldorado ETC nearly caused a wreck, however. I came to a T intersection (I didn’t have a stop, the other two directions did) and proceeded to attempt a left turn on an icy road. The ASC decided that making a left turn…
IIRC, they didn’t fix it in production until September 2001. But my memory is sort of crap and it’s best to trust Spyderchat on the issue since they’ve got a much broader anecdotal base than just me.
Virginia International Raceway.
Good man. You should come to VIR at some point with it if you’re within a reasonable range. Not enough Spyders (or MR2’s at all anymore, for that matter) show up anymore, and that saddens me. They’re always nice to see, especially since my only other mid-engine, rear-drive “competitors” are either comprised of the…
It’s still better, IMO, to go the 2ZZ route. Or just an SW20. Not that I have a horse in that race, the MR2 went to my ex, and I’ve got the Fiero to play with.
Good man! Are you going 6-speed as well or adapting the current 5-speed?
Next oil change, check for ceramic in the oil, too. Once the precats start disintegrating, the valve timing changes will also suck some material up into the combustion chamber. When I was more or less forced into my 2ZZ swap, the outgoing 1ZZ had ceramic material in the oil.
True story:
I explained it in my other, still “Pending” post. VVT. When you go from WOT to 0% throttle to shift, valve timing changes, creates a temporary vacuum. Up go the ceramics through the open valve.
If it had the Toyota reliability, I could live with the lack of storage space. The problem is, while it shares its engine with the Corolla, it doesn’t share its exhaust manifold with the Corolla. This means catalytic converter material ends up in the combustion chamber around 70k-80k miles.
These cars were plagued with one major, MAJOR problem that’s often overlooked. Ceramic precats. Around 70,000-ish miles, the two catalytic converters embedded in the 4-2-1 header would crumble to hard ceramic bits. These bits would get sucked back into the engine when the valve timing changes between shifts. (WOT to…
Jump if the bump's big enough. Air plus uneven landing equals squirrely exit.
This plus those LPE (Lego Pneumatic Engine) models...
Never. Ever. EVER. Ever go cheap on important parts. Because that $80 you saved by going with a Chinese-made wastegate that fails closed instead of open will turn into $x,000+ in repairs/replacement when it eventually fails closed, over-boosts and forcibly removes your head from your block by way of rod separation and…
Came here to say this. You just said it better. NP.
To Netflix!
Which episode is that from? I have to know.