le stelle

Your quote is absolutely right.

I came across something recently, I can’t remember where, the quote was something like “every woman knows a woman who has been raped, but men don’t know any rapists.” I really think that is a great nutshell.Part of me is glad they are doing studies but honestly, I have never been in a group of more than three women

First of all, this is about how women are self-reporting their own first sexual encounters, so your statutory rape angle is irrelevant if they are saying those encounters were non-consensual. Second, since it says in the first paragraph that 6.5 percent correlates to an estimated 3.3 million women, that’s your context.

I wouldn’t go with stale and tired. Certainly not breaking the big stories as a sector leader, and definitely edited by men, for men. A friend and I are keeping a running tab of the stories about men they think are worthy of “above the fold,” while stories about women go much lower and tend to the stereotypical. Okay,

A sex offense? Yes. Pushing your/someone’s uncovered genitals toward someone’s body when not wanted? Preeeeetty much the definition.

I think Kavanaugh should be tied to a chair and have a litany of non-white dicks thrust into his face non-stop over the course of several days.

“#NotMe”? Really?

I actually thought the cover up of the Ramirez allegations was pretty powerful. She furnished the names of 25 witnesses that the FBI never contacted, people who tried in vain to contact the FBI themselves when no one reached out to them. I can see why the Times lead with that.

This guy is a walking SVU episode.

Come on, we were just having a little fun,” said every privileged white male through the ages.

Not only is the tweet offensive, it doesn’t even make sense. I know no normal people - men or women - who would think having a dick in their face against their will was “harmless fun.”

Steelers fans like him again now

It can be that, or it could be what an abusive partner would do to try to control the narrative and force continued contact with her. We’ll see what alleged evidence he has disputing her account.

It’s not just her, though.
The Right and the GOP are totally fine with shouting “But I’m a mom!!” while reducing funding for programs that help parents and children.

He’s in trouble on multiple fronts and I cannot for the life of me figure out why he decided to file suit and draw attention to himself like this. It only brings up the abuse allegations again and then leads down a rabbit hole where you learn or are reminded that he’s in trouble for fraud, he’s recently attacked crew

I can’t believe they’re rebooting PotC already. But the franchise is a beaten dead horse at this point, so Depp should be happy to move on to the other SEVEN blockbusters he’s got in the works. He’s not suffering for jobs! But if he truly lost a role, the Amber Heard drama is only a drop in the bucket of Bad Behavior

How is that disputable? She’s one of the highest-paid novelists in the world. In 2018 she literally made £6,190,042/day, every day.

Sid killed Nancy, though.

I’m not sure that’s fair. I’ve yet to hear anything that puts Amber Heard on the level of abuse that equals or even is a small percentage of what is alleged by her against Depp.

The Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is built entirely on Depp’s back. Those movies are still being made. He has not “lost roles” and in fact he has the vocal support of one of the most powerful storytellers alive right now (Rowling, in those awful Grindelwald movies). What a crock of shit, I hate him so much.