le stelle

I grew up super sheltered so I am never quite sure what’s “normal” for media/pop culture exposure, but at nine I was lining up my troll doll collection (by height, natch) for “class pictures” and sewing clothes for my barbies. This seem...extreme for a kid. This girl didn’t learn this stuff on her own and it makes me

I’m betting she’s really in her 30s, kind of like that weird horror movie from a few years ago.

Okay but actually where are her parents? I might just be old and out of it (I mean, I definitely am), but this seems like in the realm of justifying involving CPS. It’s probably too late for the teenagers but can we send Lil Tay to live on a farm in Vermont with stern parental figures and no internet for a few years?

Yeah. I can see why it can be difficult to get to the decision, but boy can it ever be a mercy for you and your loved ones both.

Love her or hate her, I admire her decision to cease treatment. My mother and father died this way and there’s a certain amount of grace in going gentle into that good night. My in-laws get every known medical treatment known to humankind and are largely bags of bones lying in beds 24/7. I hope I’ll be ready to say

That’s the context you got wrong. She wasn’t asked that question. She was asked if the run-up to the war meant that she and Bush Sr. were watching more cable news.

Yeah, still doesn’t change the fact that you got the context of the quote completely wrong.

No, that’s not the context. The quote comes from shortly before the start of the war, and concerns media speculation over the possible extent of the casualties. She’s dismissing the speculations, not the actual deaths, which had not yet occurred.

I remember that shit.

“Melania and I join the Nation in celebrating the death of Barbara Bush”

This seems a bit harsh, especially within the hour of someone’s death. Is there no basic courtesy anymore? She wasn’t evil incarnate, for fuck’s sake.

I kind of want Trump to make some huge flashy statement only to have the entire remaining Bush clan give him the collective finger.

It’s sad that she died and there will be lots of glowing articles about her in the coming days.

It’s funny that you think that being asked to be treated with basic human rights is escalating the issue. You showed us your whole ass with that one.

No. Stop. Just stop.

I doubt your willful ignorance will allow you to respond to my question. The issue is WHY were they forced to leave, while everyone else allowed to stay?

Why make this a black white thing?

My favorite Byron story is when Shelley found him in a gutter, dehydrated, malnourished and near dead from, essentially, having too much sex. Mainly because Shelley then wrote Keats about it, and the correspondence essentially went: “I found him in a gutter, he almost died.” “You should probably have let him.”

I did a paper on her and learned that people liked to save their loved ones body parts. Hearts, hair, skin once the loved one died. She had an abundance of creepy crap to be inspired by. Nonetheless, she birthed the sci-fi genre. She’s the boss