Le Crab Humble

MVPs were easily McKinnon and Strong as Bardot and Deneuve.

It’s easy. Perkins grade exclusively based a checkmark list of shoehorned woke-ness featured in the ep. Last weeks ep was bumped 2 letter grades becauase one of the cast members wore a #metoo shirt.

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The actual bloopers from what the diner sketch is based on are incredible

Man I loved the second reality show sketch. Will Ferrell threatening to slap people with his dog was great.

Comedy is subjective and that’s fine of course but these grades straight up don’t make sense to me. I feel like I’d have a better shot at predicting the grade for a given SNL episode if I just threw a dart at a grading curve. It’s sort of bizarre. This was one of the funniest SNL episodes I’ve seen in quite some time.

Dennis, I usually agree with your reviews, but I feel like this season has rendered you considerably numb. This was the best episode of SNL in quite a while, if I may be so bold! It was just watching Ferrell’s energy get channeled into new and interesting premises (for the most part) instead of being the Wiig-esque

The best anchors (IMO) were Dan Patrick, Scott Eisen and Keith Olbermann with honorable mention to Stuart Scott.

Wow, this is sad news indeed. Always had a soft spot for The Fall, particularly the Brix era. No Bulbs 3 and the Curious Oranj stuff are essential listening for me. A friend of mine saw them live recently and Smith was so ill he performed the entire gig from the dressing room! In all honesty though I’m amazed he made

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Ray Stubbs, who for a long time presented the BBC’s Saturday evening soccer results round-up Final Score, was a big fan of The Fall, and used Theme From Sparta FC as the title track. Anyway, one day, he got Mark E Smith to read out the results:

I wondered why AVC was taking so long to do a newswire on Smith’s death. Now I know, and it’s amazing what O’Neal whipped up on short notice.  A worthy tribute.  RIP Mr. Smith.

Now THIS describes that episode I saw.

that Fresh Prince sketch went about 90 seconds too long, which seems to be a Seth MacFarlane-level problem SNL writers can’t figure out -not understanding when a joke is over.

Meh. It was fine, but I thought last week’s was considerably better. I did enjoy Troye Sivan more than I expected to; his second song in particular was really pretty.

I don’t trust your grading, though.

Actually, I was thinking The Descendents when I saw that title. Maybe they just went with Everclear for the trailer because they’re more recognizable as a 90s band.

Okay, after having seen the dog-head man sketch:

Same, I thought the whole thing was hilarious and particularly strong towards the end.Different strokes, etc.

We must have been watching different shows tonight. Funny is funny, regardless of whatever political points you’re hoping this show scores for your views each week, and both the ATM sketch (at the turn) and the E! sketches were funny.

that was me. sorry

Dog Head Guy sketch and the gay pornstar sketch were the two best. I agree that Bill Murray really botched the Steve Bannon bit. I thought they did a good job making him look like Bannon but he didn’t talk or behave much like him at all. It was weird how they also had him trying to walk back his statements from the