Does this have direct ties with Bernie? He has been able to skate the rules for years, just curious.
Does this have direct ties with Bernie? He has been able to skate the rules for years, just curious.
I'm totally confused
So, they are the baddies! sounds fun. yea needed more info thanks
She was a kick-ass mom. I miss her antics. She once took my kids and put them in the back seat of her MG and took them for a joy ride! She also never drove the speed limit.
I like this, there are cool cars across the pond-how would we get there?
The mini's have acted before-The Italian Job!
My parents had a Cressida, they loved it. To this day they still say it was one of the best cars they owned. I believe my mom did her fair share of burnouts and donuts :)
I like Jeeps but I know what you mean, bad on ice and snow, that said, I was in an accident last year on my drive home. The road has no guard rails and a massive drop off on either side. A car in front of the Jeep, that was in front of me just stopped in the middle of the road, causing the jeep to slam on the…
or ex husband :)
Owning a MOPAR you need to have duct tape-good for hoses and hangers, paperclip, good for fuses and grounding things also can be used as a jumper-part to part, ball point pin, the spring can be used for a short while for throttle cable, panty hose for almost anything, good for making belts and hangers. Ive used wood…
HA I have had to do the starter solenoid trick on my dodge dart :) many years ago
Makes sense, big cabin.
Do you have heated seats? maybe the maker compensated? or might just be your car-have it checked for interior leaks
I thought it was blue :)
Mine is white! Love the car-great ground clearance. got mine for 21.000
Isn't there a panel to close? so the window is not exposed? My daughter has one in her 15' she loves hers even in th negatives we have had here
Ha! learn something everyday-yea it is pretty awesome. your avatar a TR?
LOL oh well, I'll stick to American cars.
I'll stay with American cars, going home now and cry