I'm going home and cry now LOL ! sorry
I'm going home and cry now LOL ! sorry
I see those green headlights-me too!
is this what happens when you fart in a smart car?
pop up head lights! Love
No, not Doug, just someone who can't afford to even spell the names of these cars right. :)
When we were kids my dad had one-thanks for posting this. It is one car I miss. He used to say "Hey, you guys what to go see if we can get this thing stuck?" we never did but some fun was had.
I'm totally not a Ferrari person, so are you messing with me? it's all good. I believe it is a 538.
LOL Nice :)
Love 0 and 5. Hey I had to take my driving test in a four door 76 Fleetwood Cadillac, and you can't park a small car?
You have guts! I like you
Correct me if I'm wrong, I though it was the brakes that get to hot causing them to catch fire?
Or a snowboard and skis
Do not know how to vote on this one, We have a friend that has one, it's great in the snow and ice but, parts are so expensive.
Sorry need more coffee-FF8