
they will announce the official creation of their own religion and will now benefit from tax credits as a humanitarian / religious organisation. Welcome to a new era of distopia!

Good point. I agree there is a difference. I was just being silly and trolling apple here though :)

it make sense to me. Some medium format digital backs are already only black and white. The technology is not that simple since the point here is to get as much dynamic range and tonality as black and white negatives. If Leica really does it, I would be glad to buy one (if only I had that kind of cash to spend for my

lets get real here... if I just survived an earthquake and someone asks me to crank that thing 70 times before getting a bottle of water (or even six) and moreover pay for it, I just break the freaking glass and take whatever I need.

I still don't understand. What does it matter to be the first one to get something like this? Do people really have that much time on their hands to waste it for a new toy?

No offense to Apple users and Gizmodo writters... but, can we get a apple news filter? Everything is about Apple nowadays... getting boring :)

I am sure Apple is going to sue them for patent infringement on their own screen technology. Talking about product cannibalism... I hope Samsung makes them pay big money for their screens.

Common sense would be to have people with higher IQs at the security gates. With this mentality of banning everything that remotely resemble a weapon or a bomb, we can get a little further and ban muslims from airplanes because they remotely resemble a threat and could be mistaken for hijackers. It would be common

woopsie... I guess I misunderstood your comment. Sorry about that. You gained the right to call me a moron :)

whatever you say Duff... no time to argue with someone who cannot put a decent sentence together.

Oh boy... get a life. I wont go into this type of argument and waste my time. Keep on defending low level of intelligence.

Oh well... perhaps the end of the world really is coming after all...

I wonder when they will make having morons in an airport illegal (magus_21... you should avoid airports soon... ).

I wonder how many blowjobs the government will perform on Apple before they realize they are loosing control? I am not naive enough to believe the government actually takes any decision but the other big players (read the other multi billion companies) should not let these freaking hippies get all the foreplays. How

C'mon! This is like japanese adult movies... where it is all blurred and censored (mmm....not that I know about it... I have been told by others... cough.. cough). I will just stick to my hasselblad for the moment.

I thought it was R2 who shot first. Her was looking by the window at that time and knew in his blip blip mind that Greedo was going to shoot. Check on the wider shot when George release "Star Wars hologram edition" in 2015.

I knew the trilateral commission was a bunch of hippies! But a mushroom could also be an atomic mushroom... we are all doomed! the one dollar bill predicted the Maya calendar. I now donate all my fortune to the fungus growers!

great! Take this Sherlock! No more fingerprints....

I just peed myself... great driving from the truck driver (the skidding one)!

I dont know what these are but I always wonder what scientist will think of a picaso if they find it in 3000 years... will they think we were praying to a god with weird shapes... Whatever these are, I believe they are related to the end of the world in 2012 (or was it earlier this year... or 30 years ago... freaking