UT MechE 13

Every service provider is going to be called sucky by someone. It is inevitable, you can not please everyone all the time.

I just laughed for about a minute. I kept looking at that thing the whole time!

Great and informative post.

At 773 calories, this sounds Delicious.

I've thought about this before and I think it would be a great idea (for non-stupid drivers). Some higher price cars have something like this that shows information such as rpm and speed on the lower windshield, but it would be cool to see this evolve into something a little more complex.

Seeing as that's the same thing that powers the sun, I wish we already could harness fusion energy. The amount of energy released is huge, which means we probably don't even have the materials to withstand such high temperatures/pressures associated with this process. Quite simply, they might not even exist.

(nRNA) should be (mRNA) I think.

They would *be* pretty safe

That video made me think I was about to watch a really awesome action movie. Then there was no demonstration and I felt short changed.

Who pays yellow pages? Is it a government run business or what?

lol I know what you're talking about.

Ah, unfortunately I never got the chance to play Deus Ex.

People who pilot aircraft are probably smarter than the average car driver.

Why is it always 3 iOS and 1 android?

Design a rooftop runway that can support a landing passenger jet, then we'll talk.

Well, we have seen aircraft carriers and such in the water that work fine. I don't see airports arriving on top of skyscrapers anytime soon, or maybe ever.

If it works off of a capacitor burst, it wouldn't be able to sustain that kind of lighting.

Thats great that you found something you can enjoy and appreciate. I take it you were an EE or ME?

Yes sir it is indeed.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what Windows 8 has in store for tablet devices. I recently got an Android tablet and, despite its limitations, does so much more than I thought was possible. I can only imagine what kind of stuff can be done on a windows tablet (aka work, school stuff).