
Internet: There will be a real life Pikachu Detective Movie.

Mobile Games can be fun if done right. I would rather pay for a mobile game then get a f2p one that breaks your legs every hour for more money. This is looking like the latter.

I don’t mind legendaries or mythicals evolving, but mythicals are supposed to be Pokémon so rare and elusive they might as well not exist to the general public of the Pokémon world. They are called “Illusory Pokémon” in Japan for a reason. Melmetal is formed through the merger of many, many Meltans and if there are so

The amount of “ACTUALLY” this has already gotten tho

Now playing

This will always be a missed opportunity for Anthony Ingruber to be in the Solo movie. He would have elevated the movie. Not only does he kinda resemble Harrison but the tone of his voice sounds just like Harrison Ford. He auditioned but he didn’t get the role because Alden Ehrenreich had a better agent.

Here’s hoping it gets replaced with a pure Daughters of the Dragon series (not holding my breath) 

Cameron is the greatest, and I will nuke anyone who disagrees.

And other variants

His voice is the biggest distraction. Harrison Ford has such a distinct voice.

I’ll still never understand the casting of the lead for this film.

Probably because while McGann is still a great actor, he doesn’t have the star power that the BBC wanted for the 50th anniversary.

Holy fuck man, you have been bitching about this for months. Also, it has been explained.

Burnout Paradise was well liked so I’m not sure what you’re going on about.

What do you think will put me out of a job first, HTML or random people on the Montreal subway?

Also from the HTML:

But enough about Arcade Fire.

Can’t wait for Black Ops 5