
I’m Portuguese. Living in Portugal. All my life, in fact, except for a year abroad. Never before had I heard of a “Portuguese” pizza, though I’d seen places like Telepizza do seafood-based variants.

You know their partnership went well when the employees actually pop champagne to celebrate the news of cutting ties with the publisher. Damn, Activision’s terrible enough as a company for us final customers, imagine them as an investor/supervisor/boss.

Holy shit Zone of the Enders. PS3 may be losing Plus games but at least it's going out with a bang.

“But I might just have to erase my save and start over again.”

Maybe Melmetal is the "real" Mythical? As in, that's the one really rare Pokémon, and Meltan is a comparatively more common part of it?

I am. And who’s to say it will be a watered-down version? Play any JRPG port on mobile and you’ll find how well some full-fledged games can translate to a smartphone. Jury's out on Diablo Immortal playing well but I'm cautiously optimistic - and, more importantly, not letting stereotypes influence my appraisal of the

Seeing a lot of hate for this game around, including here at Kotaku. I don’t agree with any of it.

I’m gonna sound like an old-ass fart and a grumpy nerd jerk but I don’t like that legendaries — and now even mythicals — evolve.

It is, and Dragon Ball Super is infamous for its crushing deadlines and subsequent choppy, hastily-produced animation. Hopefully this is a sign of improvement.

This has been common knowledge for years.

I just jumped into this series with Kiwami 1 (it was on discount, too) and I have to say, it’s a great jumping-on point. I’ll probably follow it up with 0 while I wait for Kiwami 2.

This is the most Dragon Ball thing ever. Man, what a game.

“Finale of an origin story” seems a bit silly. “End of the beginning” and all that, but origin stories aren’t usually a trilogy (except Star Wars, and we all know how that went).

Tommy Wiseau’s political campaign tagline: Still Better than Trump.

There’s a mobile port?!

Snake, can love bloom, even on a battlefield?

Goku’s ultimate form... for now.

Games with open worlds can also prove entrancing to gaming newcomers.

That and Luigi’s Mansion is why Luigi is not only by far my favorite Mario character (which isn’t saying much), but also one of my favorite videogame characters of all time. Respect for the lean, mean green machine.

For a second there I thought he was playing as some sort of conscientious objector, which would be fascinating. Still, that’s very impressive too!