
Hi! I commented on one of your posts explaining your support of Bernie a few months ago, thanking you for your insightful, respectful explanation. You actually changed my mind enough about Bernie that about a month ago I donated to him...though I’ve donated to EW also. Now that things are getting a little more toxic, I

Warren’s been my candidate, but thank you so much for this really effective explanation of why one might — or should — prefer Bernie. I’m grateful the “Bernie Bro” rhetoric isn’t around so much this cycle to cloud how awesome Bernie is. He really crushed it last night at the debate. I wish he weren’t 78 with a recent

Yikes. Warren is my candidate, though I love Sanders as well. You do not need to spout out all this anti-Native venom in order to support Warren, and in fact, given her past missteps, it will only hurt her.