
Pence looks like his wife found out how to use her pinky. Got to get in there deep. On a true point, you know they don’t get many sexy nights, but you know all Trump team got Atleast a hand job. Mrs Trump’s face shows the horror. Mitch is so high on emergency election Xanax he thinks he was elected president and trump

Yeah, I can’t stand McConnell. Also, why does it look like his shirt collar is always holding onto a balloon facsimile of his head? LOL

Pence looks like he has a giant boner.

I find myself wondering how his expression would change if I hit the side of his head with a claw hammer. And that disturbs me.

mitch mcconnell is a god damn turtle i don’t understand how a turtle is allowed to hold public office

Pence looks like the quintessential villain

Somewhere, you know Karl Rove is giggling like a little girl, too. Which pisses me off.

tl;dr: we’re fucked but half of us knew that.