
I think he needs his own movie/tv series.

I have to admit I am more interested in him then in anyone else at this point. Loki is my second interest.

I think she was supposedly headbutting him. I had to rewatch that just to be sure. That was really badly done.

Lets see how he likes my giant lighter.

ME TOO. I feel kind of ill just thinking about them. I hate ticks, misquitos, and leeches. But ticks are the worst. I remember finding them on my dog when we lived near the woods. I just could not deal. I can handle anything else. But not ticks.

Still siding with Loki. What can I say? I like his color skeem. Also, Thor pulled a total big brother move in the last movie with the whole pinning him with the hammer.

Here they don't have to tell you if some one died in the house. They have to tell you if meth was cooked in the house, but not if the kids went nuts and murdered their parents.

I went with Pluto being worse simply because it bored me to the point where I have blocked most of it out. Battlefield actually have some moments I liked.

That is actually really fasinating. We used simplified wind charts at work for wind load calculations.

If you give it to small children, you can.

Maybe the next twilight. Not the next Hunger Games. I read this an really had to force myself to finish it so my friend would stop nagging me about reading it. She adored them but it really drove me nuts. It was so packed with angst and teen romance that I could barely stomach it.

Don't forget the spear gun.

Oh YEAH? Well I found..um...a recipe for maple frosting on a postet note in a pile of papers.

Kind of reminds me of when I was a kid and convinced the neighborhood that I was left on my parents doorstep by a queen. I never did tell them what KIND of queen.

Its believable to me. I live in the states and have never seen even clips. I have only seen the Victorian spoof of it. I am not even sure who snookie is. When I first kept hearing the name I wondered if some one was confusing Snoop Dog or Snoopy's names.

don't come crying to me when you end up trapped in some strange future where the stars of Jersey Shore are revered as Gods, just because you when around a Black Hole instead of through it.

totally agree

Did they go around it though? hm I may have to rewatch it. But I thought they said in the film that the ships were caught in the black whole and sucked back wards in time. Its the slight difference in direction that makes all the difference.

no. the time traveling sling shot that goes back in time is around the Sun. Black holes are probable throughing planets forward in time