
I love IAJ, but considering no fighting with swords actually happens I personally wouldn't have counted it. No Pirates of the C?

This is really cool. Me and some of my classmates talked about doing this for our senior design project when I was in college. Their concept isn't that far from what we talked about doing.

Ugg better clean that up before the Commander sees it.

See. That's what their logo is really all about. They are trying to drive us all away from tv so we will all Imagine Greater stuff then what they put on. They are setting the bar as low as they can so they can include as many people as they can.

I was thinking that, but then I looked up the dictionary definition of sidekick. Technically Jayne and Zoe both fit the discription. I think she was less a sidekick before since she was a soldier. She followed him back in the day because he was her commanding officer, now she follows of her own free will.

He is going to be at the ComicExpo here in a few months. So excited. But I think Zoe wins for coolest sidekick. She is so cool, she is almost not a sidekick. I would have no problem calling Jayne a sidekick to his face, but I wouldn't call Zoe a sidekick to her face.

the hills have eyes in Russia

Yeah. You could do something like that. Which is what I would do. On the other hand you could do some other modifications that would remove the need for straps completely.

I almost like these. My two issues are the clear straps (hate those on shoes and bras) and the platform part (don't like platform shoes). If it weren't for those two things, I would rock these.

They are all so awesome.

I don't know about the pilot premius but the dialog made me snicker :D

So? These are taken after the book when socks are no longer needed :D

I want a tv show where Tommy Lee Jones is the sheriff of a smallish town. make it a dramedy.

Reminds me of Monsterous Regiment by Pratchett


I want one for my bedroom.

I kind of agree. I don't mind 3 months that much. What I really hate are the teasers we ge a year before or the trailers we get 6 months before release. By the time the movie comes out, we have either forgotten about it or have already seen most of it in clips or trailers.

Perfect. They got the feel spot on in my opinion. The more I see of these two the more hope I have.

I was scrolling to see if any one else mentioned it. Dylan Dog had no epidemic.

With snacks, a plethora of insults, and a bag of tricks to drive other players insane.