
No wife/kids, I'm guessing?

You're the man for putting a TL;DR here. Do this in all future articles.

But the truck itself is actually a very useful truck. Regardless of how it is typically driven or used....it was designed as a solid truck and CAN be very useful.

It looks so silly...

Well if the winner is the first to post the answer that's actually me. But being in pending hell nobody sees it.

Had my bachelor party in the middle of the PA woods. Dirtbikes, shitty Jeeps, quads, guns, beer, etc.. The only stripper we could get to come out to the cabin..... well... wasn't worth it. We paid her to leave, she took a box of ammo.

Ambiguously Gay Duo

they guy in the grey truck also deserves kudos for handling the situation like a boss. although i'm guessing he's in need of a new seat cover now.

Meh, I think a lot will like it. Keep in mind this is more about business. You aren't pulling up to the country club in this, you're meeting clients at the airport and driving 40 minutes across the city to the office. In this case the discrete exterior is desirable, the extra space is desirable, and the luxury and

Bring him to Classic Car Club Manhattan. We excel at blowing the minds of young Jalops.

This is great. In a way I'm jealous of this kid, every vehicle is so new to him that a regular old dealership is like going to a car show!

Well, at least now we know a camera strapped to the co-driver's head is not the best way to watch racing.

These are so terrifying and amazing.

I mixed poop and vomit, and this is what I got

I think you have good points, the real term used in the business is brand equity, which implies value without buy in (out)


The poll is showing exactly what I would expect, yet the subtlety of marketing is lost in this post. if you say the worst "best" in association with a product enough times then you start to associate that product with being better than the competitor. No one in their right might would make the leap that a single