

Am I the only one who thinks the "Traffic Jams" are a waste of space in their RSS feed and/or while scrolling the Jalopnik home page? I mean, I don't really care that much, I'm just curious if this is something people ever click on (besides those who just want to post snarky GIFs in the comments).

I'm a huge fan of this show, and have watched almost all of the last 8 or so seasons on Netflix. Hell, my almost-3-year-old daughter asks to watch it as her first choice, 9/10 times! This is the first video I've seen from the driver's perspective (well, just meaning car mounted camera pointed forward) of a whole lap.

Nope. Ours are awesome. I would argue that our owners encourage drinking and having a good time and not talking much about work, because this is a party, and work is back at the office. We are reimbursed for cab rides home, or the equivalent dollar amount if we decide to hotel it close by. But that's why we all love

Although the first comment was pretty epic, I actually like your Vanilla Ice analogy better. Comes with more visuals, 80's soundtrack and shit-eating grins.

I came here to mention this as well. The rear suspension geometry certainly affects squat (or anti-squat) during acceleration more then dive, but the effective roll center due to both the front a rear suspension geometery in a "side view" do both contribute to both motions. It also has a lot to do with c.g. location.

Being one who doth not listen to the radio, and only hears pop songs through my wife's listening habits (yes, Rucker is Pop Country), color me slightly disappointed. I love the OCMS original, and actually recognized the lyric and loved the play on words in the shirt. Had no idea he had a modern cover of that song. 21

Being one who doth not listen to the radio, and only hears pop songs through my wife's listening habits (yes, Rucker is Pop Country), color me slightly disappointed. I love the OCMS original, and actually recognized the lyric and loved the play on words in the shirt. Had no idea he had a modern cover of that song. 21

You clearly need to re-read the Rockwell training literature.

You lost me at Anodized Carbon.

Wow, thanks for ruining the moment, Kinja.

Were you watching a different video? They show the whole thing multiple times, once starting at 1:00 all the way through the landing from one angle, then again from the other side in slomo, where it speeds up to 1x right about the time he lands, but never cuts away. Maybe just watch it again? It surely took a beating

Thanks for following this and posting updates so quickly. I'm a die hard 2 and 4 wheel motorsports fan, and the prevention of rumors spreading in these types of accidents in remote areas is important for the families, friends, the racing community and even the spectators. Particularly in this case.

Many years ago, sabotage to salvage parts was probably a more likely reason for booby traps. Some farmers also fought against the race going through their land, etc. Generally speaking, SCORE goes to a great deal of effort to maintain agreements with the little towns (ejidos) to make sure there's not a known threat

Wait, whaaaa? You're kidding, right, Matt?

That's still my favorite. And it was my favorite GI Joe toy as a kid:

F40 FTW. I almost stopped watching after that. But I'm glad I didn't...LFA comes in second with that rev!

Yeah, where's the inside view showing the steering wheel drama?

Are the M3 S54 VANOS much different than the M52? I bought the seal kit from Beisan, a valve cover gasket, misc shit, and did it myself in a weekend for about $100. I was assuming the S54 was basically the same design? Not to nitpick - there's plenty of other expensive maintenance items to deal with...