I love the gyro cam. I think it helps in understanding how much insanity is involved. Maybe because it's easier to relate to the car videos. Regardless, this is definitely one of my favorites.
I love the gyro cam. I think it helps in understanding how much insanity is involved. Maybe because it's easier to relate to the car videos. Regardless, this is definitely one of my favorites.
Yeah, Torch is my fav....oh...HEY, Travis!! I mean, how are things? Yeah? Cool, well have a good weekend, and stuff.
Consider this a vote for "no more Twitter links" without a screenshot (or however the hell one can link to twitter postings without it getting blocked on, umm, certain networks in which Jalopnik happens to be viewed on). Probably asking too much. Here's to wishful thinking.
Just to clarify, she IS an inventor (as opposed to "was" and past tense references). She is quite a bit more than that as well, but just worth noting that she is quite alive and well and an incredibly talented and interesting person. Inspiring, in fact. [coming from an autism dad]
If only it was a Super Cab...NP, regardless.
Dammit. Now you got me on craigslist in the middle of the day...but I did find this gem of a posting: http://sandiego.craigslist.org/esd/cto/412052…
What they said. Just wanted to add that 55 on the water feels pretty damn fast, even in a modern ski boat. Wind in your hair, twin V12s roaring, basically everyone within viewing distance rubber-necking at the piece of floating art you're comfortably cruising in. I don't think you'd really give two shits if you could…
Seriously, it was some dumb luck, but I'm glad to have helped, if only in some small way. I was seriously freaking out at my desk when I found the building. I also think it's pretty awesome that the cops staked it out and got ahold of it like they did. Makes for a pretty rad story to tell the grandkids when you…
I've been waiting all week to hear about this! So glad they got it back. I couldn't believe I found that garage on Google earth after only about 5 minutes of looking. I was kind of just curious, especially after the same dumb luck happened to a guy when Torch's bug was stolen - good 'ol Google Earth satellite view!…
Wait, who the hell names (or nicknames) their kids "Boogers" and "Alecheetos"? WTF?
Regardless of whether you care about emissions or fuel economy, it is still a fact that the S55 will achieve those performance numbers with lower emissions and better fuel economy and most likely better reliability and/or maintainability. Your opinion is surely valid, as to whether it's impressive to you or not,…
Nissan Titan?
Thank god. I'm DYING! Back on topic - I didn't immediately see what you really have to do to get a car in this race. It sounded basic as far as car prep, but maybe more details will follow with your post-race recap? I did notice there's a few more races in coming months...
Love the yellow overspray in the fenderwell. I've been there. Except it was red...and now that I think about it, that 92 Eclipse with said overspray would've been a good FWD car for this. Is your car MTX? Seems like auto would actually be easier seeing that rowing your own might upset the car's balance, well, even more…
Indeed. I'm only partially agreeing with Victorious, in that I don't necessarily need a "name", but that names like "Quattroporte" or "Silver Spur" or "Continental" gives me more of a sense of awesomeness. I'd rather say "745" than "7-series", but lost my love for those number/names when it no longer held to the…
But it SOUNDS magical and divine to us. It could mean "Four Goats", and it would still be better than the sound of: "7-series", or "MKZ", or "MP4-12C", or "Camry", or "Aztek". Kia isn't exactly known for good names either. See: Sephia.
Oh...it gets better. There is very little that seems to not be important, even in the "slow" episodes. Just keep it goin. We're up to season 4, and it really does keep getting better.