
I'll at least say that I'm glad they didn't just re-badge the flex body. I really love it (we have a '13 SEL) and it really finds a good balance of old school character with modern lines. It would not translate to a Lincoln badge. The MKT is just trying to hard to look like a Chevy station wagon, or ??

It's a completely different body, not a re-badge.

No, that's still bullshit. I would absolutely text someone, on purpose, while they are driving because it's LESS distracting than calling them, exactly because they can read it at their convenience, i.e. when they are no longer driving. Even calling someone knowing they are driving should not matter, because the

There is absolutely no logical reason for holding someone accountable for being on the sending end of a cell phone communication of any sort. Exactly because of what you said - the driver has a choice to be distracted or even have their phone on at all. If someone's sitting in the seat next to you, and all of a sudden

The team's driver, Jeff Gordon, describes his horrifying experience when he first realized his merchandising bus was on fire: "Well I woke up to get me a cold pop, but then I thought someone was barbeque'n. I said, Oh Lord Jesus it's a FAYYURR!! Then I RAN out, didn't grab no shoes, or nuthin, Jesus. I RAN for my

Naw, I'm with you. The modern Caddy design/styling just doesn't sit right with me either. But that's why cars are so fun: you don't have to like everything!

These are all really good suggestions. And although #3 doesn't really have to do with "luxury", I'd still like to see it happen, too.

Nice! It's not even one of my favorite cars, per se, but so iconic and rare, that I'd love to see one in person.

Already posted with the Lambo Miura SV, but also: BMW M1.


The 2014 Toyota Coro....SQUIRREL!!!

Drivers who attempted to set the world land speed record, or the fastest speed traveled on land in a wheeled vehicle, had to complete two mile-long runs in opposite directions, within a space of sixty minutes. George Eyston, an engineer and retired British Army captain, had set the previous record of 311.42 mph at

I mostly agree, but just wanted to point out that emisions requirements on motorcycles are actually getting pretty stringent, despite the comparably miniscule amount of contribution to overall transportation emissions. Especially as compared to, oh, I don't know, diesel trucks? Even with those getting more stringent,

Yeah, but those Makita drills are the best! No, the wheel is still ugly.

'87 K5 was my first car in high school (it was ~9 yrs old by then, probably 5 of which my dad drove it before me). Had it a few years into college. That thing was awesome. Towed my moto trailer well, off-roaded well (fit 33x12.5s totally stock), top came off for summer, could haul 13 people when absolutely necessary

A request for next time: when mentioning the driver's name, add what car number they're in. I'm not familiar with these guys or their cars/numbers, but I thought it was an interesting post because, well, dirt track racing! I just have no idea who was who in most of the GIFs...without additional research.

"Any" planet...

That Eldorado would win for ugliest upholstery, that's for sure.

While I wouldn't call that my favorite, I see it as way better than the Dodge Van. It wasn't so much the shape, but the finish and the style that bothered me. The late 70's van wheel just looked rubbery, cheap, and boring as hell. The Nova wheel has some style, like somebody took that shape and actually thought about

~70's Dodge Van. Our neighbor had one of these that we carpooled with as a kid, and I remember it to this day as being ugly, along with the rest of the van.