"YAHOOOO!!", said every person who has ever hooned a vehicle off-road, on any planet, moon, or celestial body...
"YAHOOOO!!", said every person who has ever hooned a vehicle off-road, on any planet, moon, or celestial body...
Not to beat a dead horse (pun intended, if you even get it), but there is so much silly controversy on terminology, I just can't say that you're wrong or right on the "shooting brake" portion, but can conclusively state that your observation of the car as "cool", should be accepted as jalop-fact.
Same here. I've only been off it for 6 months, but it's night and day for me, and as much as I hate it and miss burritos and cookies, it's been worth it for how my gut feels and my energy level. There's no way our modern diets, medications, environmental toxicity and generally not natural food sources aren't messing…
First car has nothing to do with it. I was a gearhead at probably age 8, with legos, RC cars, golf carts, Lamborghini posters and movies like Speed Zone. Motorcycles and dune buggies taught me how to drive a manual, but my first car was a full-size Chevy Blazer with a small block 350, Auto and 4 wheel drive. Now I…
Despite the fact that I kinda like the new Mustangs, I love your comment, and your logic. I can respect that. And I'm definitely going to steal your comment about your kids buying their own doors...my E46 coupe very comfortably handles 2 adults in the backseat, or booster seats for my kids, but they are rarely back…
"Caster". Castor is an oil. Or the genus name of the Beaver. Otherwise, your explanation is straightforward and generally accurate. The axis is typically referred to as the Kingpin Axis, which is terminology carried over from solid axle components, and includes the caster angle as looking from the side view, and the…
I just played your video, and let it run in the background while scrolling through all these comments/pictures. Glorious.
It's like, I want to recommend this post, cause it's damn funny, but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it...
Eerie foreshadowing by the announcer..."you'd think that Jane is going to disappear from us..." Just plain sad. Daredevil or not.
Jesus, I don't the last time I watched a 13 minute YouTube video, but that guy must be a good story teller cause I couldn't stop.
Shorthand version: Red light camera at unfamiliar intersection. Missed it by about 2 feet at 45 mph, and the speed shown on the video was incorrect. Did the math to figure out the miniscule error in judgement I made, got the video from the police, talked to the red light violation video cop lady, she said I had a…
This. Well, this plus severe anxiety and autism for my 6 year old daughter, and a 2 year old sister who communicates on a higher level, but I feel you. I did not think I'd read the whole thing after the start, but you seriously have put together something that is quite relevant, on to of being funny and engaging.
Seriously. I don't know how I read that whole article, that had nothing to do with cars, per se, but I couldn't stop. Torch just keeps me engaged, and it's weird. I, too, blame the little things...
You beat me to this question! Mate's link was interesting, and maybe I can summarize: "round" tire shape from this era means that traction is affected less by camber, so positive camber was used to minimize steering effort. Of course, this is in conjunction with the other elements of steering geometry, like kingpin…
Seriously. Watching the first clip at full speed is pretty dang dramatic. I mean, how fast was he coming into that left hand sweeper? 90?
Seriously, that's the only thing that seems to be not clear here. I offroad in my Jeep with my kids and wife quite often (as do thousands of people every weekend). It's pretty risky, yes, but I'm quite experienced and I don't go on illegal trails, and my kids are strapped in TIGHT...
Having ridden some fairly gnarly enduro trails in my day, I can safely say that they were absolutely nothing compared to these "hard enduro" series' courses. F-ing nuts. And the rocks you mention are basically just trials sections. Those guys are amazing for manipulating a full size bike on those sections. Having…
Luckily mine doesn't have TPS or front axles :-). The problem I had with the brake sensors is that it's only on one wheel, and the other side wore first, and started grinding a bit. Luckily I noticed it quickly and changed pads and the sensor and wire. At least those are cheap parts. The other big one someone reminded…