
Oh duh...good point. In my defense, I was trying to save all our cold beer from going warm, the only way I know how.

I'm gonna do a search for san diego county resident's long exposure shots from last night...I got some good ones, albeit with a shitty camera. Still, 15 second exp, with a full moon, overlooking much of El Cajon with the lights off, was pretty cool. Just the freeway lights, stars, helicopters, etc.

I too had a genny saving my fridge food, but my Sprint service didn't seem to have any problem late into the night (east county SD)...

Seriously. It sounds nothing like a V10 until it's pointed straight at you and all you can hear is intake and engine noise. The exhaust honestly makes me dislike this. I can dig an M5 engine swap into, well, pretty much anything, but no thanks on the Cherry Bomb strapped on.

There is absolutely no reason to go to Yuma, unless you are in the military, or going to the Colorado River very very near there, and need to stop to get ice for the beer. And if you're on a bus to Yuma, you ain't goin to the river. Hmmmm. What's the missing option here?

I'm going to venture a guess: science is the basis for technology, technology is the basis for gizmos/gadgets, therefore republican party's dismissal of science = a risk to the future of gadgets. Over simplification aside, it's a threat to our collective well being when one of the two political parties in this country

As an engineer, I thought the exact same thing. As a Jalopnik fan, I thought "who the F**k is Ariel Schwartz?" I guess the editors got lazy last night while browsing the web, found an article that mentioned "car crash", and BOOM - guest writer.

First off - it's not a 2-stroke. Second - these are almost always louder then 2-strokes of the same generation, yet both can be made to be "relatively" quiet with the right muffler.

I'll accept it for ending in "ly". I would've also accepted "Grizzly". As in "Adams". He did have a beard.

Thank you for clearing this up. I hate marketing departments who misrepresent engineering information to make something sound better, and end up full of shit. I was really close to explaining this, but you did a wonderful job...so I'm glad I searched first!

You must've been reading a different article.

Seriously. You don't have to be a comic guru to see the commonality here. Additionally, your first sentence is spot on...

Once the two-wheel bug bites you, it's really hard to get rid of the addiction. I've broken the same wrist 3 times (same BONE twice), all off-road, and will probably never give it up. I've slowed down some with 2 young kids, so now off-roading the Jeep is my main distraction, but honestly - wheels are wheels. Despite

Can you imagine hearing that sound in nineteen thirty freaking nine? I bet there were many Germans watching auto races that thought, just for a second, that they were being attacked by a newfangled Allied aircraft or possibly a missle.

Heh heh...mine is to. :-) It's awesome, and actually a cheaper ring than most other metals, including titanium. It'll last longer than pretty much anything else, and is really only prone to breaking if impacted, and then it kinda just shatters, so there's that.

Ooooooo!! I almost forgot the old Toyota truck door latch! The new Tacoma's also work, but not as consistently.

The wedding ring, for us already dragging the ball and chain, is perfect for backup. The Reef sandals are awesome for the river, but otherwise they are too damn heavy and not as comfortable as Rainbows. I used to always have one on my dog's collar, but that was when he was always at my side in college, not sitting at

I KNEW I saw one the other day...but no camera in hand. And to those that question the cost - I would bet that the performance per dollar is much better than the total cost of vehicle plus some of the modifications gov't agencies pay for to get better off-road capability. Fighting fires (or chasing illegals) in the

+1 for this, and more so (as others mentioned) Race Drivin. I would go into the nickel arcade only to play those games. Super cheesy, but using the clutch and a real shifter was absolutely the coolest freaking thing possible in video games at that time. I honestly don't even remember what the cars looked like, so it's