
I hope you have kids. Or do a lot of babysitting. Otherwise, there would be no excuse for even thinking of this picture! Considering that I do have kids, this is funny. Considering that I have banned that show from ever again being played in our house, because it's creepy and annoying, I find it offensive. :-)

I can't a jpeg of the Countach highway patrol car in front of the dunes, but this one was almost as cool.

[this guy I know] got out of a red light violation just by showing up to court. The video/photo showed [this guy I know] crossing the line on red, but [he] had a whole argument researched and planned out, ready to fight. Then the judge called [him] up, looked at the picture, and said he couldn't prove that the picture

That's a winner.

The ONLY time you can drink and drive? Um...can you say "golf"? I guess the most you are on a public road is crossing the crosswalk on some residential courses, but that is way more like driving than pedaling.

@themightyspitz: Thank you for that. One of my favorite movies, and this only emphasizes it's favoriteness in my list of favorites.

@ltethe: The main niche market I see here is not people riding on typical trails, but those interested in exploring more trails not easily reached by hiking, ski lifting or shuttling downhill bikes. I can guarantee people would buy this, accepting the weight hit of the battery pack and motor, to get to more easily

C5 vette, supercharged to 600+ hp, with carbon brakes: a street legal track car. Never got to open it up in terms of top speed, but it accelerated and decelerated faster than any four wheel vehicle I've been in.

@fenrir604: +1 for Makita LXT. The 18V LXT impact driver is one of the top 5 most important tools we use on a regular basis (general contractor). It's vitually impossible to run down a second battery before the first is charged, and they are durable as hell. The drill/hammer drill is wonderful, except the chucks don't

@thunder: Ok, I missed the part about your wife being pregnant. She is hardcore. "Get back in my belly!"

@OMGItsWeasel: My dad hit a St. Bernard on the freeway in a VW. Granted, it was in about 1970, and he was probably topped out at 43 mph, but it's kinda like the cow of dogs.

@Travis007: Looks like the safety sensor on the garage door stopped functioning properly...

@tobylane: As a father of a daughter with autism, whose grandfather bought her an iPad, I can say that stories like that, and the one in this article, bring tears to my eyes. My daughter has some language abilities, but it is amazing how she can navigate through something like an iPad and display a great intelligence

@rogger_frogger: I disagree. It will never be driven further than on and off of a trailer, with zero turning. It would defy several laws of physics. Or common sense, I can't remember which.

@doggdiggity: And they don't bother to mention that it has a web-based and desktop client to sync with. For better or worse, that makes it much different than the other two.

@jodark: Wow. That was sad.

@jodark: Dude, use the Google a little before making such ridiculous statements. Most/all of his arguments has been refuted with hoards of evidence. It's pretty damn easy. The only people who believe anything he says are people who have done absolutely no research to find out if what he is saying holds any water.

Holy shit.