@Kraakmo: +1 for mini baja! Regardless, SAE in college is an awesome, yet incredibly time consuming effort. I'm positive I spent way more time working in the shop and designing the car than I ever did studying and going to class, but isn't that what engineering comes down to? Designing something so it can actually be…
@BЯдΖǐL-ЯЄРΘЯΤЄЯ: Here's the American Version for ya, Sexyhammer.
I'll like it if they keep the suicide doors, AND call it the MKBMFS. Oh, and get rid of the poop shoot doors in the rear. What the F is that about?
@OOglebooze: Dammit! I was just about to upload a video I had of those on display at the '04 SEMA show, yet you beat me to it. These are the king of LAAAAAAAME.
@SethThresher: AAAAHHH! And I thought The Pledge was the worst thing I'd ever seen him in...
@KillerKoala: I hope that is sarcasm, because if not, you should really think before typing.
@DrGoon: So is it against the rules that he submitted his article for this competition? The only thing I noticed is that the material and photos "become the property of Gawker media", and what not, but that doesn't seem to make him ineligible. Maybe just get in trouble with the paper he originally wrote it for? Just…
@Dawgvet06: and I thought "Hasselhoffed" was a tricky one to spell...
@LostAmerica: I don't buy books, but my wife bought me your Night Vision book for Christmas. I now recommend that book [and your photos] to everyone.
@sixpantsmaloney: Seriously. Once you have a kid (and/or 1 on the way), stories like this give you a chill. If nothing else...
@pxtang: considering I can't get Swype (beta is not open?), swiftkey is the best damn keyboard I've used. Plus it has speech-to-text that works better than any other I've used. So, not being anything like Swype, it's good.
This is the most Jalop post I have seen in a long time.
@spuy767: That sounds like my reaction on the freeway when it sounded like a machine gun under my hood. "What is it with fords and the mother fucking spark plugs?!?!?!"
@athf_bum: in 2002, the 7.3 was so damn loud, for this truck (daily driver, not tons of towing) it just was a comfort issue. I still like driving and towing with it better than my dad's 7.3 of the same year. Less torque, but more drivability.
What would the world be like without the graphic and often illegal exploitation of our cities, mountains, oceans and sky by the adrenaline-fueled humans and their machines funded by Red Bull, captured on film and distributed for our free and almost immediate enjoyment?