Well, at least when you’re laying on your deathbed because you can’t afford to treat an easily curable disease, you’ll have your principles.
Well, at least when you’re laying on your deathbed because you can’t afford to treat an easily curable disease, you’ll have your principles.
The only thing thats fucked up about it is that you’re far more likely to walk free for killing a person than for killing a pet.
Who do you think history is going to view as the bigger assholes? The people that kept voting for this garbage or the people that stayed home because they’d rather things fall completely to shit if they can’t get their way?
Why would he do that when he already has the ability to fleece taxpayers without any legal repercussions?
If he’d done the crime in the USA the constitution would have protected his rights. Feigen was basically held hostage until he paid for his release.
Nah, this happens all the time in developing countries. This is why the State Department warns you not to wander away from tourist areas without a local guide.
Yep, classic foreigner shakedown. Don’t do the crime in a foreign country if you can’t pay the astronomical fine.
Michael Jordan managed to hang around in Double-A when he played ball in spite of a limited amateur career in the sport. The only takeaway from this is that elite athletes have enough skill and athleticism to hack out a passable showing in the d-leagues of other sports.
The White House was looking like a bunch of cucks on tape, so they told the press its either video off or no briefings at all. Because the press is also a bunch of cucks they complied.
If you’re enough of a degenerate to shell out for this PPV then you’re enough of a degenerate to eat this hype up.
At what point in the negotiations does the UK concede that they want all the perks of EU membership without having to let Pollocks into the country?
You would think they would have learned their lesson after the disastrous G20 that was held in Toronto several years ago. If they want to hold these meetings they need to be in remote locations where protester access can be controlled.
Here’s a little economics lesson: supply and demand. You put the supply out there and the demand will follow.
Based on all the articles I see around here demanding Democrats give people a reason to vote for them, it’s pretty clear America does not have that desire.
You don’t remember Shaq going to LA in 96?
I live in the GTA and I agree its a perception issue more than anything else. Players coming here have some legit concerns (taxes) and some not so legit (fear of not getting coverage on ESPN, which is horseshit). For some reason the plethora of full frontal strip clubs doesn’t seem to be a big draw.
The Lakers and Charlotte had agreed to a trade for that pick prior to the draft. The Lakers told Charlotte to draft Kobe.
This is not really new news. Good players started gravitating west in the 90's during the peak of the Bull’s championship run. That, plus some luck in the draft (Kobe drafted 13th???) has left the west coast teams with a near-perpetual stock of deep talent.
Just a reminder #2: The only confirmed instance of voter fraud in the last election was a woman who tried to vote for Trump twice.
Thank goodness, my 55 gallon drum of lube is almost spent.
Thank goodness, my 55 gallon drum of lube is almost spent.