
As a Black woman, I feel compelled to comment on the scene with Daniel. First, I’ve had many of the same conversations with my friends, that Issa and her girlfriends had about giving head, and I can relate. I can relate to women who have the stigma of being viewed as forever-a-hoe if they give head, and some women who

I guess it must be a straight-girl thing, but I could not figure out what Issa was so pissed off about. Daniel gave warning that it was about to happen and Issa didn’t get out of the way—it happens. I’ve never seen anyone get angry over a little “friendly fire” (and yes, I’ve been on the receiving end as well, and

Little bro: Hey fucker. You’re alive. I’m gonna kill you tho.

I first found the AV Club reading the GOT reviews in season 3, and I’ve stuck around because those were the best comments on the internet. Even though I don’t often comment, y’all weirdos have made me laugh and provided insight countless times.

Man, there are gonna be so many videos of The Wall coming down with songs from Pink Floyd’s The Wall playing over it.

THE AWESOME: JON/DANY becoming canon (I waited so fucking long for this!!!!), Stark sisters UNITED, Jaime finally waking the fuck up, Theon growing a pair, and of course, ICE DRAGON VISERION.

These comments aren’t newest on top.


So good.

The Hound should’ve just let that wight walker go at Cersei chain-free. What a satisfying-ass finale that would’ve been.

I’m pretty sure they were running inland, so were on the part of the Wall that didn’t collapse. Tormund, last of the Wildlings.

Look, I know incest has always been a thing in GoT, but did they have put ‘Jon is actually a Targaryan’ voice over on right while Jon and Dany were getting it on?

Nice of them to all sit there waiting patiently while The Hound hashes it out with big bro.

I’m so happy that Baelish is dead, but I still don’t understand what happened in the previous episodes that lead up to this. I wish they just showed us Bran telling his sisters about the truth. I just feel cheated in that moment. All that for a cheap plot twist. I have to say I loved that heartwarming scene at the end

“The witch who killed my husband” is also what I call my OBGYN.

I haven’t seen Death Note in years, but it (at least the first half of it) was one of my go to animes for re watching out of boredom along side the typical fair weather anime fan shows like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Gantz and a few others. I thought the story was great in that it offered something a little deeper than the

The most American, pernicious thing the makers of the new Death Note have done is to turn Light not just white, but “good”: to make him an average kid, an understandably misunderstood victim.

No one is surprised.