
Ernie you are old enough to know not to start a sentence with my best friend is black. You sir are a huuuge asshole. Take your flag you and your son and go fuck yourselves. By the way you walked off your job numnuts so you quit. WTF!!!

I keep shouting from the rooftop that white folk don’t see any thing they do as being wrong. They seem to be so perfect. Just look at that fuckin clown in the white house. Had this been black kids with their johnsons pointed at beckys lips they would want them lynched. Stay woke black folks this shit is just beginning.

These little sluts need to be bent over a trash can and horse fucked oh wait it’s already been done. Trashy bitches

So now I say lets boycott esfuckinpn and their sponsors. This is some kind of bullshit.

Clarke is what came from that dark asshole called trump. The difference between these two is one is a total asshole and the other pretends not to be one. It’s a toss up.

It really does not make any difference if the camera is on or off cops will get away 28th murder. Just look at today’s verdict in St. Louis, the video shows cop handle bag and the gun has only his DNA. Black man dead. He goes on vacation to figure out his next kill. FTP

It should not be political or religious that he chooses not to stand. It’s because he is black and therefore he does not have rights. White folks march with torches and guns and spout hate but it’s ok. Again I say stay woke black people this is just the beginning.

Maybe Barkley and dark skinned white girl Katrina Pierce should have a show and call it You know what I mean? HELL NO. Both are dock heads.