Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.
Eat shit, Ivanka.
So you’re immune from political commentary if it comes from a woman? Don’t play the misogyny card, crocodile tears aren’t going to shield you from criticism, and it's grotesque that you think you can use your gender against their opinions. You chose this life, to sit at your father’s side and fuel his destruction of…
I disagree insomuch that I think it does matter, and I think it is problematic that organisers for the Women’s March won’t clearly condemn the anti-Semitism (and homophobia) of Farrahkan.
I’m making a mental note of every single person who is attached to this ridiculous thing. Argh.
I have plenty of problems with Israel, but as a Jew, it definitely feels frustrating that Palestine is the ONLY international issue that is ever given a seat at the table of intersectionality. Israel is just one abuser among many, but I’ve been to tons of rallies where pro-palestinian speeches were given, regardless…
All of this. I’m Jewish and in Chicago. You can be critical of the Israeli government without calling in an apartheid state but apparently that isn’t good enough anymore.
Yes, there are an awful lot of words in this article, and yet they never actually form the important point, which is the one that you make here: Anti-Semitism is evil and wrong, Farrakhan is and always has been a horrible anti-Semite, and Farrakhan should thus be condemned for that.
That’s not hard to do.
While I certainly can’t speak for all Jews, I understand where the frustration is coming from. In many groups like this, if you openly identify as Jewish then you’d better be prepared to pass a litmus test on Palestine before anything else. The Chicago Dyke March was neither the first nor the last to do this and…
As I do not wish to be held responsible for the words of others when my own history shows that I stand in opposition to them, I also do not think it is fair to question anyone who works with me, who supports my work and who is a member of this movement because of the ways that I may have fallen short here or in…
Fireworks are fucking trashy.
That child is ridiculously cute.
Griffin, GA sounds like a nice place... to never, ever go to.
Why would anyone wanna fly a flag of losers? The Confederacy lost. No amount of revisionism changes that. Them’s the facts. Unless the person wants to admit to being a loser.
“Listen, Asshole. I’m not going to say you’re an asshole, because I don’t believe you’re an asshole at heart, Asshole. It’s just that a lot of the things you say and do remind me of other assholes I have met previously. Assholes that do and say things like you have done and said should certainly be called out as…
Someone needs to punch Larry Johnson in the face.