No, I think this is probably just a sickness. He’s probably an addict of attention and sex. My guess is this would happen regardless of the amount of attention she had paid him.
No, I think this is probably just a sickness. He’s probably an addict of attention and sex. My guess is this would happen regardless of the amount of attention she had paid him.
Does Trump have actual policies? Or does he just say shit that comes to his head that he thinks will make the crazy alt-right excited? Because that’s how it sounds to me...
True story, he could have been a political genius if he didn’t have a serious illness there. He needs to run off to Israel and hide among the Haredi.
Is it weird that I sent a tweet about how they would drink the Flavor - Aid if Trump asked them/ told them to?
It’s unfortunate these types of policies can’t help the percentage of voters who will be voting for Donald Trump come November, obviously they need some serious help.
shit this would be helpful in finding myself a husband.... because Jdate and Jswipe have not been. Although all Jews come with Jewdar, it’s only good in detecting if someone is a Jew or not.
ya that’s not true.....but thanks :) PS everyone 18 years ago I became a bat mitzvah! #mazaltov
Also, I will admit in my case you probably don’t even need to know my name, I have a tattoo in Hebrew on my forearm in the shape of a Magen David, pretty much a dead give-away.
I mean names can be a giveaway.. although I know some Scott Millers who are Jewish so :) IDK maybe it’s our large noses? Or our brown hair and brown eyes? It was probably much easier prior to American assimilation to figure out by people’s names. The whole parenthesis is a separate origin of sorts:…
I don’t even need to read this, but I can understand how he wouldn’t want his children going to school with a whole group of people who are just so much superior than his own children. I mean we are known for our HUGE brains. ::eyeroll::
Shit here I was thinking, “ I’m so annoyed with these 23 y.o.s posting pics of their perfect beautiful lives all over social media, it makes me want to punch myself.” Then I gotta see BLUE IVY, that girl makes me reevaluate all life decisions. Excuse me while I got find a cupcake to eat and cry in the corner. Bye.
Someone needs to remake his RNC entrance to this song...amazing.
I feel like if you weren’t inspired before this speech or excited before this speech, you SHOULD BE NOW. SO HYPED. BREAKING THE CEILING.
Code Pink annoys me. I get they want to end violence, but through what means? BE FOR SOMETHING OTHER THAN ENDING WAR! Also they have aligned themselves with the BDS movement which is laughable considering the BDS movement works to delegitimize and dehumanize Israel. Which shouldn’t be a surprise since BDS has grown…
Went to a TEB concert last summer...rained almost the entire time, it was worth it. And it would have been worth being around all these sorry ass people just see them get pissed at Jenkins for serving them up some truth for the evening.
I bet these are made in the Carrier air conditioners that used to be made in Indiana. Also I really don’t get the point of these dumb things? Can’t you just write your name on your towel? This seems dangerous.
Molly Matott told her like a BOSS! People are so pathetic, this is what we have to do with our spare time? Get a grip people.
Can we send them snacks? Gatorade?They are my heroes! #Demsbemad
No, Dylan Hockley.
This is both sad and funny. We are more fucking concerned over who cuts hair than who buys weapons and ammunition.