Miss Cohen if u're Nasty

No but did you not know this?

MAZAL tov to Zoey! Welcome to the tribe. I’m very excited...I mean kind of sad that all these Jews boys are getting swooped up by shiksas and/or converts leaving nothing for me...but happiness people.

so not pro-life?

I’d like to remind people that we wouldn’t even have Starbucks without a few Jewish the whole Christmas cup thing is just a nod to the gentile customers along with your Christmas coffee. You’re all lucky you don’t get served Chanukah flavored coffee in Chanukah cups....STFU with the war on Christmas.

So many things about this are horrifying...I can’t even begin. This man should not be “supported” or “praised” or be allowed to play football...this is NOT AT ALL OKAY! Also can we talk about the fuckbags that stood around and did nothing for this woman????? Like really?? And she “disappeared?” Let’s be real...he

Justin Trudeau makes me want to be Canadian. I have basically forgiven them for Bieber and Nickelback now.

that guy needs better friends/partner wtf ever! Poor guy.

uh no, it’s okay to state what you believe as long as they don’t incite ridiculous hateful bullshit....not to mention PROPAGANDA created to dehumanize and further create a “us and them,” and the “one group has more equal value than the other,” mentality.

Stay irrelevant Berkman.

Eww. No! Gross. Just no.

This whole town should lose their rights to be American citizens .....they are terrible.

To be fair...I too thought he said Sicilian at first then I read that his wife’s name was Cecilia...

Sooooo the whole point of this story is that he is really up a tree...right?

Sooo as a season ticket holder to an NBA team, I always make sure whoever accompanies me to a game knows the #1 rule is if you catch something like a ball or t-shirt it goes to one of the kids in the vicinity. One girl I took didn’t agree with that message...NEVER TOOK HER AGAIN. Like you can buy the dumb plastic ball

I agree....responsibility for both parties. But she is do a public service by informing potential partners they be infected....

No, but she needs to take a little responsibility here.

I’m pretty sure Tom was just there for the “I’m just a pretty face.” And damn did he do it well...

1. This is just gross.

They should just maybe choose a better wardrobe to begin with.... this people are just terrible.