He was one of those dudes that never went down. He saw sex as like a chore....he was a seriously selfish dickwad.
He was one of those dudes that never went down. He saw sex as like a chore....he was a seriously selfish dickwad.
Out of curiosity is he a republican? They have a tendency to tell us what we are like....I appreciate all I have learned from shows like SATC and Girls, I think it has helped me communicate better as a person/woman.
it’s entirely possible I have just total disdain for it after my asshole era.
Nope, nope not at all. These are two different places that offer two very different things. You know what women prefer? EQUAL OPPORTUNITY! Not having to shove something that looks like it came out of the movie alien into their throats/mouths and trying not to barf. Also it’s especially terrible when you don’t…
If only....If only.
I once “dated” (loosely using that) a guy who alllll he wanted was blow jobs. It was the most annoying thing ever. He was obsessed with them. He was the worst. I’m pretty sure this was because he had watched wayyyy too much porn and he was a misogynistic asshole.
If it’s a vacation we should all get drinks afterwards....and we should get like a towel service and a massage. That shit is hard work and legit no fun.
so I am not the only one?! Thank gd.
ya and the Cubs are going to win the world series in the next 10 years.
you know what... “Baby, seasons change but people don’t. And I’ll always be waiting in the back room. I’m boring but overcompensate with headlines and flash, flash, flash photography.” - FOB
true story I saw Cobra Starship open for FOB before they were cool....that’s how EMO I am. It was the summer after I saw Yellow Card at Little 5...
shut your face. I LOVE FOB! They are amazing. You don’t understand because you weren’t an angsty emo kid.
I would let him arrest me for something...
I’m sure my family members would be relieved to know they could have been saved if only they had believed in the magical Christian bible and maybe fallen in love with a SS guard who they could have convinced they weren’t really Jewish.... #whattheactualfuck
I want to be best friends with these girls....1. because they just seem pretty awesome and 2. because they have awesome dads 3. Because I would be that much closer to Lenny Kravitz’s schlong.
haters gonna hate...but that was by far one of the smartest moves he made. As a White Sox fan all I thought was “OMG I LOVE YOU AJ. And no wonder everyone hates you.”
I’m so confused by these shitty looking t-shirts. What the hell is the point? Can someone explain them to me? Wait no, don’t it would be a waste just like the t-shirts themselves.
I am not sure Huckabee even knows how sex works...