better question is...why did I just watch this in spanish?
better question is...why did I just watch this in spanish?
I bet you Lebaby calls his dick Joey Crawford....
people of Indiana....this is embarrassing. Southsiders....damn it.
Even she looks better as a woman than me...and she started off as a man. I GIVE UP!
Obviously that bitch didn’t understand how reproduction works....#ittakestwo
Wow...I’m going to need verification via picture thanks!
you know what’s sad? that you had to point out that he played in Georgia the country not the state....that’s sad.
Obviously “Longbottom” was the incorrect name for him...probably should have gone with something more accurate...HOLY BANANAS is he hot.
Also her video plays serious homage to some pretty ladies before her...Keri Hilson > Briggy
This “song” is so awful. It’s an insult to music to call it music. STOP PLAYING THIS VIDEO, MUSIC ANYTHING WITH THIS TERRIBLE THING IN IT!
Genius! I love it. I feel like there should be appetizers because those are appropriately baby-sized (too-far?!)
you know what else is life changing? Having a baby... they forgot to mention that part.
I support this. I would totally be a counselor there.
Dear Gd, this sounds terrible. These people need to be shut down for spouting complete LIES! WTH!! Why aren’t people protesting outside of these places?!?! These places are dangerous...not actual family planning clinics like Planned Parenthood.
Did this girl not read the syllabus? I’m confused....
How about all our fantastic museums for starters???? Or the zoo? Or you could catch a sporting event. Ever visited Mass Ave? Fountain Square?!? There is a ton of places and cool stuff. What the hell people!
Dear Kim, the city of Indianapolis doesn’t care for you either.....we’re too classy for the likes of you. <3 people who actually know how to explore our wonderful city...
Dear Gd that might be the grossest sound ever....I would sue the shit out of all of them too.
Pretty sure I never claimed to be unbiased, but I also didn’t write an entire blog post about how someone is “stupid.” Ya I am biased, the guy has been my freaking hero since I was like 3, I saw him take down some of the greats, I saw him bringing my city into the spotlight again. He’s done some great things for…