Miss Cohen if u're Nasty

As a Hoosier....this is ridiculously embarrassing...granted I am not from that town, I'm from the liberal Indianapolis Baruch Hashem. Additionally, I never knew pizza could be Christian. That being said...if someone gay, Muslim, Jewish whatever really did want pizza at their wedding (I mean maybe they really love

you know maybe he's talking about procreating! There is some joy in that...probably not...this song is terrible.


the only thing amazing about this are the great comments people are coming up with. This girl is a grade A attention whore.

I really want to do this to the entire Republican Indiana General Assembly....

Am I the only person who liked the Nationwide commercial? It was basically saying..."stop being irresponsible and pay attention to your damn kids!"

Boilermakers hit like Trains....this wouldn't be the first time this season a player has done something like this.

what in the name?!?!? This is disgusting! Also the fact it is called the Gerber Sandwich is sounds like baby food dumped on some bread...which is kind of what is resembles...but even that might taste better?

I actually just want to be best friends with all of you based on this conversation. Thank you for entertaining me...and for hating on St. Loserville. I<3 you

his name is Dean Smith....he's not going to be very original about most things. I mean honestly the proposal wasn't even EXCITING it just took FOREVER like an excruciatingly long, time. Engagements shouldn't be torture from what I hear. Dean Smith is like a damn serial killer of engagements. That wedding is going to

Why didn't he just ask her...a year ago?? I would have just punched him in the face for taking so long. WTH.

I'm so confused?? So they had abortions? They had an embryo removed from their uterus? Better yet these dudes have a uterus?! That's awesome! They get to bleed and cramp and all the other fun stuff we women do! I really wish these guys could fully explain this whole "I had an abortion" crap to me. It's just like

I feel like he's jumped out of A Clockwork Orange and he's going to start doing crazy things...and I don't like it.

Just because you don't understand, doesn't mean she's dumb. Perhaps your shallowness does not allow you to understand such a complex interpretation of said gesture. Or perhaps you're just a misogynist yourself.

If you're ever really bored you should check out her FB page, it's full of ridiculously absurd things. I mean I don't think this girl could think on her own to save her own life. She is just a right-wing brain-washed moron. It's just sad. What exactly does she do for a living? Or in general?

these guys should be forced to become Cubs fans...or they actually are in fact Cubs fans.

Yup...nursing and pharmacy are super easy???

awww I love that CHOO CHOO!!!!

also really fun fact...Groundskeeper for the White Sox....Purdue Alum. BAM.

Purdue has been associated with 13 Noble Prize winners, their alumni pool holds over 15,000 US patents, three Presidential Medal of Freedom winners; this doesn't even begin to mention the thousands of companies that have been started by a Purdue grad....but just saying.