[wonders if there are even any bears around Houston]
[wonders if there are even any bears around Houston]
he uses computers all the time. computers love him. he has fantastic computers, with many many friends.
I am willing to convict based on that mustache.
Good memes never die.
Hell yes. Sometimes you just want to play some Destiny/FFXIV/whatever else without having to talk to anyone.
Big thank you to Sony for finally adding this and a big F-you to those who rationalized the decision to keep this feature absent for so long. My PS4 will be getting a lot more use now.
Can we please call him by his real name?
Girl Scout: That will be $16 Mr. Bale
I knew this guy in college... douchey wingnut, wore Confederate flag t-shirts, etc. Not very bright. Whenever he said something stupid, there would often be someone there to make some scathing, sarcastic comment back that was essentially making fun of him... and he would laugh along because he had no idea his idiocy…
I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.
But I used more dots D:
Because one guild quit? Makes sense.
And here’s how the guild members are right now
This is the worst news in the world...
It does, it does! Oh yes it does very much so!
Providence defense was atrocious there since they were told to never pick whiteheads
As a Jew, I can say with certainty that naming your kid Isaiah almost never translates to basketball success.
AND, if you want your kid to be blessed with ignorant legal court vision, name it Isaiah.